Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bestikas Cadessi

Two streets over from where my hotel there is a "real" Turkish neighborhood. The city is very walkable, and I have been exploring many of the different areas. This is called the Bestikas Cadessi and has lots of cafe's, bakeries, shoe stores, knock-off stores, and liqour stores. No one speaks english, but I've still been able to get around, find stuff, pay with no problems. Turkish Lira has the exact same coinage and dollars as the US, and unlike the Gulf states, it is written in normal normals, not in Arabic, so no problems there. I've been trying to blend in and act like a normal, but being 6'4" in a country where the average height is 5'8"- it is pretty hard. Also- I haven't seen a bald person yet- so a dead give away that "one of these things doesn't belong" :-)

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