So I'm packing- in advance this time- going to be gone for 28 days! That's right- almost a month! I found out today the the new market launch in Turkey has been delayed a week due to construction, but I still have to be in market to deliver training and help with the things that I was going to delegate due to me being on Holiday. So now everyone is much happier- 2 weeks in the states, 2 weeks in Istanbul.
I leave tomorrow mornign at 8:30am Dubai time, and will get into Columbus at 8:30pm EST. But that ends up being exactly 24 hrs of time!!!!!!!!! UGH! The 16 hrs of flying the 8hr time change- 24hrs. That I am not looking forward too. Luckily I'm flying the Emirates A380 so I'll have my own cabin where I can sleep for a good 8 hrs without being disturbed. Got my Tylenol PM all ready, and did my spreadsheet on when I should be sleep, awake, sleeping, awake so that I can get on the EST time schedule as soon as possible. I have my driver arraigned for tomorrow morning, turned in my car this evening so that I don't have to worry about that tomorrow morning, and ensured I had time to do a little shopping so that I'll have something to bring back to the states to show I live in Dubai :-).
I had a great touchbase today with my boss, kindofa "5 months in- how you doin?" touchbase. I know my company is developing budgets for next year, and we are expanding three fold next year- so part of it was "how you doin now?" "What you wanna be doing then" kindofa touchbase. I had been doing some reflection on what this experience has been, how I've grown as a leader, and a person, and I do have some thoughts on where I want to be in six months.
Overall- I walked away from the meeting with an A on my report card. It was very nice to hear as I'm walking away from the market for a month. To hear that I'm doing a good job, the partners all like me, the stores like me, and I'm delivering what my company wants is all good news.
This whole week was crazy hectic. Kuwait the first part of the week, then we had the US merchandising team in Wed and today. It seems like the weeks I actually have to get things done are the weeks that are horribly overscheduled. Of course with that, I don't sleep as much, and eat out every meal and then comes the "Am I getting sick" moment where I barter with myself "If I give you Tylenol Sinus and get sleep on the plan and don't get drunk on champange in the lounge you'll not get sick- Deal?" So hopefully that works because the worst thing ever would be to get sick on the time that I'm visiting!
So 12 hrs from now, I'll be on the plan settling in. Can't wait.
"And away we go..."
I am so looking forward to being back in the US for a bit. I miss you!
We all are waiting for you to get to Michigan! Your family misses ya!