Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pyramids Light Show

Wow. This was amazing. I asked the front desk if they had any trips going to see the show, and of course they did! So they set me up with their tour guide, and it was only $20 including transportation, and get this- FRONT ROW seat! AH! It was awesome! I ended up going with a young couple from Switzerland who were super nice. The show started at 7pm, and lasted an hour. During the show, they told different parts of the history of the site, the Egyptian rulers, a little about the Rosetta Stone and how it unlocked the language, all while changing colors on the pyramids, and adding cool holographs to illustrate things like the Sphinx. I love this camera I have because it was pitch black and everyone around me was complaining that they couldn't get their pictures to come out, and mine were turning out fine- just a bit blurry on some.

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