Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's not exactly Judge Judy

With my car accident I had to go to court due to the guy not having insurance. This morning was my court date, 8am, which to begin with, is like 4am to me, but I got beyond that and made it to the courts. One might expect to see a courtroom when you walk into the traffic courts, no. There was an information desk, I presented my papers, and he hit a button and gave me a number and told me to sit down. There was a really nice waiting room, plush leather chairs, plasma screen tv's showing arabic news and soap operas, and along the far wall was 6 desks with women sitting behind computer screen with the numbers above them. I'm kind of antsy- like "am I in the right place?" why do I have a number and not a lawyer? As much as I loved catching up on "Harem Al-Sultan", my favorite turkish/arabic soap opera, I kept feeling like something was weird. My number comes up, and I go to the desk, give the women my papers, and after pulling up my case she goes "You're not guilty. Come back on Sunday between 8am and 1pm to pick up the ruling." and she folds up my papers and hands them back to me. ....?? I looked at her, probably stunned, and said "I'm not familiar with this kind of court proceedings. Can you explain this to me?" :-) LOL I mean, I sit down at a desk like in a bank, and she clicks a button and it's like "not guilty" and I'm done??? I had been up all night working on my testimony, do I cry, do I not? Is there going to be a sassy Emirate Judge who has a witty and humorous reparte with his bailiff like on Judge Judy? No. Apparently they do things differently here. She explained that I was not at fault, and the other driver had been ticketed and fined, and so all I needed was documentation for the insurance company. And I was done. Quick, efficient, out of the courthouse at 8:04am. Can't complain about that!

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