Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Midddddd week

Oh my goodness, how is it only Wednesday night? And the only reason I know it's Wednesday night is that it's Lady's night downstairs in the Martini bar- and that meant no discount on the liquor- so I realized I'd have to go upstairs to the pool bar and get my discounted beer tonight. :-)

Today was the craziest day, really put our jobs into perspective. I was walking into work at 10am and my boss was calling me as I was literally walking through the office door. He wondered where I was.... funny because NO ONE else was there. (?) But he wanted to make sure I was coming to the office- he wanted to visit stores this afternoon which I was fine with. Then around 4pm the other territory manager for the other business comes in, wants to have me come out and have a cigarette with her (I don't smoke so I knew something was up). She went off on how they've been forcing her to oversee her KSA business and she was signed to work in Dubai, and how dare they make her travel so much. And she told me she was quitting!! AH! I couldn't breath for a minute! She was quitting? Who the F quits anymore? I couldn't believe this- 2/3 of the team was down and out and I was the 1/3 left???? What?
It was only 2 months ago we were all having dinner at Buddha Bar and talking about how we were the leaders going to oversee a huge business in the next three years, and now- now, it's just me. Such a shock. Such a moment of realization for me- that I was the only one who was ok still. I have been dealing with some horrible- HORRIBLE people, and bad stores, and mean business partners, but I would never quit.
Even on my worse day I still see the silver lining of the fabulous things I have been given to be here, and the great trips, all the people I get to meet, and somehow it makes the terrible emails and backhandedness of the business to even out. I'm ....sad to see her go, but she had changed. I hadn't seen her for months, and she had big black bags under her eyes, and she was dressed in black, and she was pissed off- with a capital P. When I first met her she was all happy- wearing a pink stappy sundress and great skin and talking about what club she had passed out in the night before and how she woke up on the beach- but that the sand really exfoliated her skin so even though it may have sounded horrific to some she really benefited from having a night under the stars :-) She was so carefree and fun and light and in love with the job- and now she was like christina ricci on the adams family- or maybe more Janeane Garofalo in Reality Bites... yeah- that's more like it. So sad, but so time for her to be happy again.

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