Saturday, July 16, 2011

And back in the airport

So after a short 1 1/2 days in Dubai I am back in the airport heading Riyadh again. I spent almost the entire day yesterday with the US team that was in town visitng the malls, lunch, took them over to see our new offices, and as something different invited them down to my place. They had never seen the JBR and JLT sides of town so had them over to see my place and then we drove over and had dinner at a great italian restuarant on the beach overlooking the sea. They all said they had a great time and were glad to see "the other side of town". By the time I had gotten back to my place it was 1am, so that put the pressure on me to get alot done today. I had to do all my luandry, repack, arrainge my car transports to the airports and hotels, go to the office and print out my next week of training materials, and then the US team sent me a file asking if i could print it out and drop it by the hotel for them :-). So a very busy day. But I managed to get it all done (although my polo shirts were a bit damp going into the suitcase)- just hope i didn't forget anything as i will be gone till next sunday.
Tonight I will meet up with the new store manager who is in Riyadh to help from the US. He is staying at my same hotel. Tomorrow I will give him an overview of what we do in franchise business versus the US brand and take him to see a few of the malls. It will be a world of change for him. Never been outside the US, lived in Louisiana, has a very thick southern accent which I am sure will be the first time anyone in our stores in Riyadh has heard that.
It was strange in the airport this afternoon as there ws hardly anyone in the Emirates terminal. That is, untill i got to my terminal :-). Oh well I know the drill, and know what to do if the hotel transport doesnt show up again. But here's to hoping they are there.

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