Today was a busy one, as are most over here, but this morning especially. I had to get up and pack for the whole week, which I always find a challenge to plan all my outfits for 5-6 days, then my "fun" clothes and shoes, and then can't forget all the toiletries and passport and cash... maybe it will get easier over time.
After packing, I had to meet with the franchise partners to set up the week. I'll be in Bahrain, they'll be in the UAE & some in KSA. It was great to get aligned on everything and we'll be having Sunday meetings go forward as we enter into our busiest months of the year now.
The flight up to Bahrain was very nice- not crowded at all, and we were on a very small plan- I couldn't even tell you the numbers but they were in the 300's, so definitely not a 777-300 like I'm used to. As we were circling for landing I got a really good view of the islands- there are apparently 30 or so islands that make up Bahrain- which I did not know till I was reading the brief this morning. But when I hear "islands" and "archipelego" I immediately think Hawaii and cliffs, and waves crashing up on the sandy.... no. Not here. These islands are at sea level, and they are flat. And there probably would be waves crashing if there were beaches, but they are few and far between. Mostly everything I saw was concrete retaining walled and it makes for a very unique island. It's very much like Manahatten when you fly into JFK, everything is flat, squares and rectangles jutting out into the sea. It's not by any means a bad thing, and the inland areas are very pretty with palm trees, and landscaped roads- I'll get pics tomorrow because it was already dark by the time I taxi'd to the hotel.
The Airport was soooooo relaxed, and chilled out, and no lines anywhere. It was heaven. After traveling so much in KSA and Kuwait, it was amazing. My hotel is very nice, staying at the SHeraton- need to get the Starwoods points :-) Everyone at the franchise was jabbing me "oohh, look at you and the sheraton!" because they have to stay at some kinda motel 8 on the far end of the island. But whatever, again, I love the company I work for, and they really do take care of us!
A crazy "small world" moment- when I was in the lobby I saw a woman who I had seen on the plan from Dubai so I started small talk with her- she was obviously an american from her dress and luggage. Sure enough! Turns out she was from Arlington Heights- 5 minutes north of the Woodfield Mall in Chicago! I was like - no way- I used to work at Woodfield... So that was cool :-)
I jumped into a cab after settling in to see the first mall- Bahrain City Centre. It was about 45 minutes till sun down so everything was still closed but I enjoyed the quiet to walk around and look at the store windows and take pictures while no locals were around. Then at Sunset I was starving, so what should appear- yep, a Chilis. I know what you're thinking- get a life right? But it was there, I was there, so it was meant to be.
Iftar dinner is different than normal dinner. This is a "special" meal just for Ramadan that is available at all restaurants. In the case of Chili's, it was a full size appetizer (usually that alone is $13 American), a soup, a full entree, and a dessert for 4.9 Bahrain Dinar- or about 15 bucks American! A steal!! So I that and by the time my entree came i was full, so that was literally the best meal I've had for the money since I got to the ME.
I am looking forward to training this week. From what I've heard the new team is very excited about the brand and so excited to have "an American from Home Office" coming all the way to Bahrain to train them (apparently the partner didn't tell them I live in Dubai- so we'll go with it). Because we are still in Ramadan we only work 6 hrs a day, so training will be from 10am-4pm, we are not allowed to eat or drink during this time, so we will not be having "lunch" break either. So I've packed a bottle of water and a few granola bars just incase- which I've been told I'll have to go to the bathroom and eat them so I don't get in trouble.... ?? We'll see about that.
So the picture above is a the view from my hotel room. It's a new office building that is powered by it's windturbines! How cool is that! I'll get a better pic tomorrow during the day.